The application period for this scholarship will close on April 14, 2024

Hispanic Engineer & Information Technology >> National News >> The application period for this scholarship will close on April 14, 2024

The application period for this scholarship will close on April 14, 2024

POSTED ON Dec 06, 2023

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) is currently accepting applications for its scholarship program.

The scholarship opportunities that are advertised for the 2023/2024 period include the GE Scholarship ($10,000), the Helen Cuesta Scholarship ($2,000), the Medtronic Foundation Scholarship ($25,000), the PhD Scholarship ($5,000), the Undergraduate Scholarship ($2,000), the Arup Scholarship ($5,000), the Ansys Scholarship ($6,000), the Chevron Scholarship ($5,000), and the Berkshire Hathaway Energy Foundation CARES Scholarship ($5,000).

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The application period for the 2024-2025 scholarship opened on November 1, 2023, and will close on April 14, 2024.

In September, the Medtronic Foundation tweeted that it was proud to support 16 SHPE scholars for the ‘23-’24 academic year.

During the academic year, these scholars will receive $25,000 scholarships and be paired with Medtronic mentors.

To apply for multiple scholarship opportunities, you need to complete SHPE’s ScholarSHPE Common Application.

Once you have created an application, you will be notified as new opportunities become available.

Please check the website for all scholarship requirements, including active SHPE membership, minimum cumulative GPA, a plan to pursue a STEM degree, and enrollment at an accredited two-year or four-year college/university in the United States for the 2024-2025 academic year.

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