Netflix’s Korean hit series, Squid Game, will be back for season two. The new season will feature the return of Gi-hun and the mysterious Front Man, according to a message from director Hwang Dong-hyuk. In a statement he also stated that “the man in the suit with ddakji might be back,” and that we’ll also get introduced to Cheol-su, Young-hee’s boyfriend.
“It took 12 years to bring the first season of ‘Squid Game’ to life last year. But it took 12 days for ‘Squid Game’ to become the most popular Netflix series ever,” Hwang writes. “As the writer, director, and producer of ‘Squid Game,’ a huge shout out to fans around the world. Thank you for watching and loving our show… Join us once more for a whole new round.”
Despite the success of the show, Netflix reported its first drop in subscribers in 10 years. Since then, there have been major budget cuts and layoffs at the company. Netflix is also trying to limit password sharing for subscribers and will launch ad-supported streaming by the end of the year.
Last year, Hwang said he was working on developing season two, after announcing that it took 12 years to bring the series to life.
Hwang told Vanity Fair that he could see the next season of Squid Game coming out by the end of 2023 or 2024 and will feature more diabolical games.
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