“We Kept America Great” is an upcoming documentary series created by Johnnie O. Michael, Sr. of JMSP Entertainment & Films, and Dr. Pamela McCauley of Transforming Your STEM Career. In 5 installments, this documentary series will explore the contributions of African Americans, Latinx Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and immigrants from across the globe to reclaim the conversation and redirect toward inclusion.
Join the launch on October 19 as they debut the first look at the first installment of, We Kept America Great, focusing on the African American story. This event will feature an interview hosted by Swann Christopher of Swann Christopher Productions and moderated by Marsha Jews.
How do you keep America great? Is it through your art? Your kindness? Your inspiration? Every single one of us has contributed to the success our country has achieved over the centuries. Now, as we find ourselves in a climate of division and social unrest, it’s time to look back at our history and reconsider our roles in the foundation of the United States.
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We Kept America Great Virtual Launch Party
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