Apply now for Louisiana Tech’s 2019 STEM apprenticeship program

Hispanic Engineer & Information Technology >> Apply now for Louisiana Tech’s 2019 STEM apprenticeship program

Apply now for Louisiana Tech’s 2019 STEM apprenticeship program

POSTED ON Jan 28, 2019

High school students have until Feb. 28 to submit an application to Louisiana Tech University, which has been approved as the state’s only site for the 2019 Research & Engineering Apprenticeship Program. REAP is a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) summer program that allows high school students to enjoy a research apprenticeship in a STEM field at area colleges and universities.

Offered through the Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) — a program founded to develop and implement STEM experiences and programming — REAP targets groups historically underserved in STEM.

To be eligible, students must attend a rural, frontier, or other targeted outreach schools; be female with a study focus on certain STEM fields such as physical science, computer science, math, or engineering; be a minority that is historically under-represented in STEM (Alaskan Native, Native American, African American, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander); qualify for free or reduced lunches, be an English as a Second Language student, or be a first-generation college student.

Through the eight-week program, students will work with a scientist or engineer conducting research and receive a $1,500 stipend for their work. The goal is for the student apprentices to gain both confidence in their abilities as researchers and exposure to STEM career opportunities. At the end of the program, students will present their research to their peers.

Louisiana Tech will host the student researchers from June 10 to Aug. 9. Students will focus their studies in biomedical engineering and chemical engineering. College of Engineering and Science faculty Dr. Mark DeCoster, Dr. Bryant Hollins, and Dr. Joan Lynam will guide the student work and mentor the REAP student researchers.

High school students have until Feb. 28 to submit an application, available at In May, students, mentors, and lab coordinators will receive their welcome letters and placements for the apprenticeships.

To learn more about REAP, please email Campbell at

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