
San Antonio Doctor Joins Race for Texas Governor
Jan 5, 2010, 14:19

Dr. Alma Aguado, M.D., has announced that she will vie for the Governor of Texas’ seat in 2010. Dr. Aguado would be the first Hispanic woman physician to hold the position.

Dr. Aguado (D), a San Antonio internist, believes that Texas is in critical need of a leader who understands our unique demographic. With a large Baby Boomer generation retiring and leaving the labor force in the near future, Dr. Aguado sees that Millennials have a critical role in Texas’ future. “The Hispanic labor force is expected to be more than one-half by the year 2040,” says Dr. Aguado. “In order for Texas’ economy to be sustainable, our youth must regain education and skills. As a state, we must hold them to a higher standard.”

“Forty percent of Texas’ population is Latino Millennials. One-third of those Latinos are high school dropouts. One-third of our youth is not an insignificant number. We must address this problem of self-identity and financial pressure to support a family in the Latino youth of Texas through behavioral programs that decrease the dropout rate,” says Dr. Aguado. “We cannot succeed as a state without addressing this defeating issue.”

Dr. Aguado, who was born in Eagle Pass, Texas, was raised in a family that didn’t have the conveniences of indoor plumbing, electricity or a telephone. Her father, a janitor in a nearby hospital, raised her to take pride in her citizenship as an American and encouraged her to succeed. She eventually graduated from medical school at the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon. Dr. Aguado’s greatest legacy is passing that torch of success to her children as a single mother.

Other issues Dr. Aguado plans to address are Texas’ need to create jobs, sexual education in schools and the early screening for bipolar disorder. She also believes she can close the achievement gap between Latino students and their peers, which will propel Texas forward on many levels. As a visionary candidate for Texas Governor, Dr. Alma Aguado plans to tackle these challenges with dedication.

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