Hector Hoyos, born in San Juan, has been in the biometrics and information technology fields since the mid-1980s as the founder and president of various IT companies. He co-founded and presided over Biometrics Imagineering, Inc., creating proprietary state-of-the-art technologies, such as fingerprint identification systems and interactive financial transaction systems.
Mr. Hoyos also incubated, along with his partner, Dr. Keith Hanna, the Praetorian technology: a real-time video surveillance technology, (owned by L-3), which, in February 2008, was awarded a $325 million training/video surveillance contract by the US Marine Corps.
Currently, Mr. Hoyos presides over Global Rainmakers, Inc. as president and CEO. Global Rainmakers develops biometric technology that many companies are beginning to use to increase security in their facilities. Not only is this technology efficient, it's easy to use, has high throughput, and is secure.
GRI serves government, pharmaceuticals, education, hospitals and health care facilities, airports and transportation, banks and financial institutions, manufacturers and retail customers in six countries.
HE&IT: What is your proudest career accomplishment?
My proudest career accomplishment is creating a technology the U.S. Defense Department decided to implement. It ensures every soldier, who goes to war, is properly trained to best defend him or herself in battle. This technology is truly a life saver. It was amazing to be a part of the creation of a technology that best prepares a soldier for the experience of war. Global Rainmakers is currently adapting that core concept to create and deploy a new technology that will protect each individual in every aspect of life –home and family, work, and finances.
HE&IT: What do you think the next big thing will be?
The next big thing is going to be ubiquitous identification. In the near future, you will be able to find yourself anywhere in the world at any time, and you will not have to do anything other than look with your eyes to be identified. This is freedom. It will enable you to travel across borders, go through access points into a stadium, board flights, and enter your workplace, among many other implications. All tedious, time consuming, and obtrusive processes will now be simple and freeing.
HE&IT: How do you measure effectiveness?
I measure effectiveness in operations by coming in under budget and ahead of schedule, with 200 percent of your objectives accomplished. In business development, effectiveness is when, after all meetings are over, your customers have smiles on their faces and speak volumes of how good your company, its people, and its solutions are.
HE&IT: Tell us about some of the turning points in your life and how they've impacted your choices.
I feel like the major turning points in my life have all stemmed from people telling me that I can’t do something. Once a multinational corporation that I approached with my technology said that there was no way I was going to get anywhere with my project. Two years later, the Marine Corps issued the largest ever surveillance award given to any company in the world based on our technology.
September 11 had a huge impact on my life – it made me move to New York and do what I’m doing today. This hit close to home because a relative of one of the major shareholders in the company, who was like a father to me, lost his life in the attacks. This is one thing I’ve based my life’s work on: identifying the needle in the haystack. I’ve been working to develop the technology, product, and solutions to enable the identification of the bad guys and hopefully rid the world of them. My purpose is to be able to weed out anyone who wants to harm us or our way of life.
Another major turning point was when I remarried in 2007 and started having children again. This was such a major event because, even though I had children from my first marriage, it renewed my desire and drive to protect my family, community, and country from harm.
HE&IT: Who is your greatest influence?
My parents are my greatest influence, because all I am is due to them. Aside from them, I would have to say my children, because I strive to be all I want them to be. Lastly, Einstein has been an extraordinary influence because imagination truly is greater than knowledge.
HE&IT: What's your dream job?
I already have my dream job. I run my own company that is creating cutting edge technology that will change the way the whole world operates, and ultimately, result in a safer world.
HE&IT Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere my boat can go.
HE&IT: What are your favorite leisure activity, Website and gadget besides your smartphone?
My favorite activity is skydiving because it truly sets you free. My favorite website is fandango dot com – because that site provides you with tickets to movies, and movies bring you into a world of imagination.
My love of speed, freedom, and excitement of the unknown place either my Ferrari or my helicopter among my favorite gadgets. Three things I take with me everywhere: Bible, flashlight, compass. I am a person of faith, although I’m not religious. The Bible is an inspirational book and an interesting historical account that can teach you about human relations. I bring a flashlight and compass everywhere because I fly a lot and no matter where I find myself, I will always be able to figure out how to get home.