Estrella entre Estrellas
The 50 Most
Important Hispanics in Technology & Business: Pushing to the Top
in American Industry
As might be expected, many of the
"50 Most Important Hispanics in Technology and Business"
are engineers, many of whom repeat here from last year. Engineers,
modern wizards whose scientific mastery drives American industrial
progress, are the people who create America's wealth. But not all of
the "50 Most" are engineers. Many are savvy executives,
managers who understand how technology is to be used and sold,
marketers whose sophistication in meeting customer needs undergirds
the success of entire enterprises. Some started as engineers and
learned business skills while mastering the difficult art of turning
ideas into products.
We begin by looking closely at a few exemplars, to show the breadth
of Hispanic success.
Cranking Up an Auto Career
Consider Ford Motor Company's Jim
Padilla, chief operating officer and chairman of Worldwide Auto
Padilla's grandfather left Mexico early in the last century, and
Padilla grew up in Detroit. He figured his interest in math and
science would lead to success, and it did. Padilla majored in
chemical engineering at the University of Detroit, but co-op work
took him into auto plants.
Metallurgy was the main dream, but he found that "a car is the
most diverse collection of alloys you can find."
On a five-year co-op plan, with
frequent, intense immersion in manufacturing, Padilla earned enough
credits to finish his B.Sc. in engineering and a master's degree in
polymer engineering, as well as an M.Sc. in economics.
He began as a quality control engineer in 1966, climbing as he
Padilla moved through product engineering and manufacturing
assignments, rising to operations manager for the Ford Escort and
Mercury Tracer, Ford Contour and Mercury Mystique, and Ford Taurus
and Mercury Sable car lines. Car analysts at the time wrote that the
Taurus assembly lines in Chicago and Atlanta set new standards for
U.S.-built car quality, and the Mexican plant making Escorts
consistently won consumer praise.
Offshore Posting
Then Ford took over the British
Jaguar. Padilla, then director of engineering and manufacturing for
Jaguar Cars, Ltd., had to revive a failing brand. The Jaguar marque
had a distinguished history and exotic image, but poor reliability
and "fit and finish" were killing it in a market flooded
by well-made Pacific Rim products.
"At the time, it didn't seem like the best of
opportunities," Padilla says, but the British team was excited
to learn American lessons. His success in "teaching them to
build a great product, as well as great new products like the XJ
series, the Jaguar XK-8," the Aston-Martin DB-7, and the Jaguar
S-type won plaudits, as did his later work on the Lincoln LS, whose
road-handling surprised U.S auto writers. This accelerated his
In November 1996, Ford named Padilla president of South American
operations, to handle a major restructuring after the breakup of
Autolatina. In 1999, he became group VP of global manufacturing, and
in a year and a half he was North American group VP. A stint as
North America president prepped him for his current job.
Padilla, a Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering since 2001,
was the 2000 Engineer of the Year at the Hispanic Engineer National
Achievement Awards Conference. A 1978-'79 White House Fellow, he was
special assistant to the U.S. secretary of commerce.
Polishing the Imagers
Chief operating officers, executives at
the top, are not so rare among Hispanics in technology any more. And
automaking is not the only U.S. industry with strong Hispanic
impact. Consider Antonio M. Perez, Eastman Kodak Company's president
and chief operating officer.
The Spanish-born Perez worked a 25-year career at Silicon Valley's
oldest success story, Hewlett-Packard Company, before leaving to be
an entrepreneurial risk-taker. At HP, he had been corporate vice
president and member of the Executive Council. He headed the
consumer business and led digital imaging and electronic publishing
initiatives, launching consumer products with world-wide revenue of
more than $16 billion. In five years under Perez, HP's world-wide
installed inkjet base grew from 17 million to 100 million.
In June 2000, Perez, then CEO of Gemplus International SA, took the
company public on the NASDAQ and on Paris' Premiere Marche. Perez, a
University of Madrid B.Sc. in electronic engineering, turned Gemplus
into the leading smart-card solution provider in the wireless and
financial markets. Revenues grew 70 percent, from $700 million to
$1.2 billion.
Perez joined Kodak a year ago, and oversees Digital & Film
Imaging Systems, Commercial Printing, Display and Components, Health
Imaging, the Commercial Imaging Group, Global Manufacturing and
Logistics, the Chief Marketing Office, Research & Development,
the Corporate Kodak Operating System, and international regional
Top Sales Leader
Xerox Corporation's Patricia Elizondo is
an example of the climb of Hispanic women toward full participation
in all functions of American industry. Elizondo, who studied finance
at Indiana University and completed an M.B.A. at Notre Dame, joined
Xerox in 1981 as an internal auditor. Moving beyond the strict
columns and rows of accountancy, Elizondo went from operational and
field financial management to credit management, positions leading
customer service, and management of marketing support operations.
Then she moved into sales.
Elizondo held key posts in Northeast Ohio and became vice president
and general manager of the Maryland/Virginia Customer Business Unit
and then senior VP for financial/professional and health care
industry sales operations.
As senior vice president of major accounts, Elizondo now is
responsible for providing products and services as well as achieving
customer satisfaction for Xerox' largest commercial customers, and
she delivers annual revenue exceeding $2 billion.
Bridges, Bridges, Bridges
Juan A. Murillo works in an entirely
different area, and he is a living demonstration that Hispanic
engineers are all over the landscape of 21st century America.
Murillo, a Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute civil engineer with
B.Sc. and master's degrees and P.E. certification, got to work with
the legendary Jean Muller, a Frenchman who pioneered and introduced
segmental bridge construction in the U.S. Some Murillo projects were
the all pre-cast segmental bridges in the Florida Keys, Tampa's
famous Sunshine Skyway, Virginia's James River Bridge, and North
Carolina's Linn Cove Viaduct. In 10 years, Murillo rose to assistant
technical director and engineering VP.
In 1986, Murillo joined Parsons Brinckerhoff Inc. an employee-owned
consulting engineering firm with 220 locations around the world and
more than $1.3 billion in sales. Starting as technical director for
cable-stayed and segmental bridges, he created a Bridge Service
Center and worked on the Talmadge Bridge in Savannah, Ga., and
Connecticut's Baldwin Bridge. The Loma Prieta earthquake forced
reexamination of construction techniques in California, and Murillo
joined the Caltrans Seismic Retrofit Program. He's the principal
designer for the temporary bypass structure for the replacement of
the east spans of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. His bio goes
on and on, but you get the idea: Murillo's bridges are everywhere.
That could be said about Hispanics in technology generally, as a
look at the following achievers will show.
Ralph Alvarez
Chief Operations Officer
McDonald's USA
Alvarez, a cum laude business graduate of the University of Miami,
first joined Burger King Corporation and perfected his skills across
several brands. He rose to managing director of Burger King Spain,
president of Burger King Canada, and regional VP for Florida. He
moved to Wendy's International, Inc. in 1990, as corporate vice
president and Florida division VP. He joined McDonald's Corporation
as regional VP for Sacramento, then became regional director for
Chipotle Mexican Grill, a McDonald's Partner Brand. He moved up to
president, Central Division, at McDonald's USA, responsible for
4,300 restaurants. Now, as COO, he's responsible for all divisions.
Thaddeus Arroyo
Chief Information Officer
Cingular Wireless
Arroyo directs Cingular's information technology infrastructure. A
former senior VP for product marketing and development at Sabre
Corporation, he has been the main manager of technology initiatives
while bringing order to Cingular's enterprise computing and
communications applications and implementing a new billing system.
His experience at Sabre, where he also was senior VP for IT, and in
IT posts at Southwestern Bell, stood him in good stead. Arroyo
majored in math at the University of Texas at Arlington, and has an
M.B.A. from Southern Methodist University. He won the 2002
"Georgia Global CIO of the Year Award" for his leadership
and creativity in planning and deploying enterprise systems at
Dan E. Arvizu, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Federal and
Industrial Client Groups
Dr. Arvizu, a New Mexico State University mechanical engineer with a
Stanford M.Sc., oversees technology development and acquisitions for
this employee-owned engineering, construction, and projects delivery
company, generating more than $2 billion in yearly revenues. An
AT&T Bell Labs and Sandia National Laboratories alumnus, he
formerly directed research centers for advanced energy technology,
material and process sciences, and technology commercialization. An
advisor to the National Academies of Science and Engineering, he
participated in two National Research Council studies of energy
R&D. He's also on the Energy Department's National Coal Council.
Paulino Barros
BellSouth Latin America
Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Barros moved across industry lines to
arrive in the telecommunications industry. Barros, who earned
degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering before coming to
the U.S., worked in the food, automotive, gas, and chemical
industries before his telecommunications career. Barros joined
BellSouth International in 2000 and earlier served as chief planning
and operations officer and then regional vice president for Latin
America. Barros also worked for Motorola, Inc. as corporate vice
president and general manager for its Latin America Group. Earlier,
he had held a number of posts for the Nutrasweet Company in Chicago
and for Monsanto Co., in St. Louis and in Brazil.
Mario Bolaños
Director, Semiconductor Group Packaging Technology Development
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Leader of the only TI organization to win two prestigious
"Ideas in Action" Awards, Bolaños has 10 technical
patents for semiconductor packaging. His group supports the
Semiconductor Group's high-growth, $8-billion-a-year digital signal
processor and analog product businesses, and his superiors describe
his group as one of the most creative, issuing nearly two patent
disclosures per person per year, besting the average by TI's general
engineering staff. Over a 27-year career, Bolaños produced
consistently strong results as an executive and technical manager,
and this won him his current vice-president-level post.
Jaime Borras
Corporate Vice President of the Technical Staff and Director of
Technology, iDEN Subscriber Group Global Telecom Solutions Sector
Motorola, Inc.
Borras' group is part of Motorola's Global Telecommunications
Solutions Sector, where he develops breakthrough products and
technologies that ultimately become key success elements for
high-volume businesses. Joining Motorola 30 years ago as an
electrical engineer, Borras has worked up the communications
division ladder and was there at the beginning of the wireless
revolution. Borras was honored for Outstanding Technical Achievement
at the 1996 Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards. He is a
Motorola Science Advisory Board Associate and was named a Motorola
Distinguished and Master Innovator in 1992 and 1994 and, in 1996,
conferred the title of Dan Noble Fellow, the highest award for
technology excellence at Motorola. Borras holds 38 U.S. patents and
a Motorola Engineering Award for Excellence.
Jovita Carranza
Vice President of Air Operations
Carranza began as a hub clerk in UPS' Metro Los Angeles District in
1976 and excelled in supervisory and managerial assignments before
landing her first operations post in 1991. She moved up to Central
Florida District manager, district manager for Wisconsin, then, in
1999, district manager for the Americas Region, responsible for
operations in the Mercosur trading bloc as well as Chile and
Bolivia. She stepped up to UPS president for Latin America and the
Caribbean, and today, running day-to-day air operations in
Louisville, Ky. — technology, engineering, brokerage, ground
support, human resources, and security departments — she is the
company's highest-ranking Hispanic female.
Juan N. Cento
FedEx Express Latin America & Caribbean Division
Cento manages more than 3,000 employees in 50 countries, covering
some seven million square miles, with people speaking four
languages. He began his 27 years in air cargo and transport at
Flying Tiger Line Inc. and joined FedEx as part of a 1989 merger.
Cento, who was born in Cuba, attended Miami Dade Community College
and Florida International University Business School and has held
the posts of managing director for South and Central America and VP
of Mexico, Central America, and the FedEx Global Services Provider
Network. He won the 1998 Vice President of the Year Award for
leading Mexico to peak growth.
Michelle Cervantez
Vice President, Marketing
Mercedes-Benz USA
Cervantez directs U.S. product marketing for passenger cars and
light trucks, marketing communications, and advertising. She joined
Mercedes-Benz in 2003 after 15 years at Ford Motor Company, where
she had risen to global process and strategy manager for autos,
leading brand strategy throughout the world markets. She had been
marketing vice president for Jaguar Cars, North America. Ad Age
magazine named her one of the "Women to Watch," Automotive
News cited her as one of the "100 Leading Women in the North
American Auto Industry," and Hispanic Business magazine named
her one of the "100 Influential Hispanics." A business
graduate of the University of Southern California, she has an M.B.A.
from Notre Dame.
Mario Concha
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Concha, a native of Bogota, Colombia, joined Union Carbide
Corporation after getting his B.Sc. in chemical engineering at
Cornell University. He held executive positions in the U.S. and
Europe, then joined Occidental Chemical, rising to international
vice president before he left to head international business for
steelmaker GS Industries, Inc. He had helped lead a team that formed
GS Industries out of a leveraged buyout of an Armco Steel division.
Concha joined Georgia-Pacific in 1998 as vice president for chemical
and resins, and rose to president, running one of the leading
producers of chemicals and resins in building products, papermaking,
and other industrial and specialty operations.
Patricia Romero "Patt" Cronin
Vice President, Transformation Initiative IBM Global Services
IBM Corporation
Before taking her current post, Cronin led her division's practice
for the e-business Services and Integration Group, directing more
than 12,000 consultants. Cronin also led development of software to
track Olympic entrants that was used for the Sydney 2000 Games.
Cronin, whose parents came from El Salvador and Guatemala to go to
college, has a B.Sc. in combined sciences from the University of
Santa Clara and a Golden Gate University M.B.A. Cochair of La
Familia Technology Week, she is an active member of the Pan American
Roundtable, focused on boosting Latino women's college-going rate.
In 2001, she won the award for Executive Excellence at the Hispanic
Engineer National Achievement Awards.
Gregory S. Deveson
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Saab
General Motors Corporation
Deveson got his B.Sc. in industrial administration from the General
Motors Institute (now Kettering University) in 1984, and began his
career as a Fisher Body Division production supervisor. He
successfully climbed the ranks in manufacturing and engineering, on
the way getting his M.B.A. at the University of Indiana in 1988.
Deveson has managed metal casting, car assembly, and powertrain
manufacturing in the Midwest, and now leads GM's Saab Group as
executive vice president and chief operating officer.
Heriberto Diaz
Vice President of Operations and General Manager
Guidant Corporation
Diaz, a B.Sc. electrical engineer from the University of Puerto
Rico, worked nine years at Prime Computer, Inc., before joining
Guidant in 1990. He has held management posts on the island of his
birth and on the mainland, and now supervises all departments at
Guidant Puerto Rico, including human resources, manufacturing,
technology transfer, finance, information technology, quality and
compliance, and supply chain. Guidant Puerto Rico has logged revenue
growth of 106 percent and production volume growth of more than 402
percent, and its customer satisfaction index has reached 99.5
percent. The Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association named him
Manufacturing Executive of the Year in 2003.
Philip A. Dur, Ph.D.
Corporate Vice President and President, Northrop Grumman Ship
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Retired Navy Rear Adm. Dur was previously vice president for program
operations at Northrop Grumman's Electronic Systems Sector,
responsible for business operations, program execution, and
acquisition/alliance activities. He also chaired the command,
control, communications, and computers integrated product team. On
active duty, Adm. Dur had been assistant deputy chief of Naval
Operations, director of the Navy Strategy Division, and commander of
the U.S. Sixth Fleet Battle Force. A bachelor's and master's degree
graduate of Notre Dame University, he also has a master in public
administration degree and doctorate in political economy from
Harvard University.
Michael L. Escobar
Assistant Vice President, Information Technology
Allstate Insurance Company
Escobar is leading a major transformation initiative to turn
Allstate's Applications Services Organization into a new, consulting
practice business model. The organization, which has more than 2,000
IT professionals and a major budget responsibility, had been
operating along traditional lines for years, but Allstate decided
the rapidly changing financial services industry required a new
business model. Escobar, a 26-year employee with a B.Sc. in business
from Central Connecticut College, had risen through positions in
accounting, operations, and information technology before accepting
his present post.
Angel Garcia
Corporate Vice President, Global Services and International
Garcia came to StorageTek from IBM Corporation, where he had been
managing director of IBM Chile. Earlier, he had played significant
roles at Xerox Corporation as vice president for Global Tele-Web
Operations, vice president for marketing and operations, and head of
U.S. operations. He has held country manager positions in Ecuador,
Chile, Venezuela, Portugal, and Spain. Now responsible for growth
markets, including Latin America, Australia and New Zealand, he
holds the M.B.A. from the University A. Ibanez.
Edsel Garciaméndez-Budar
Director, IP and Data Network Engineering
Garciaméndez-Budar leads design, engineering, architecture,
technical support, vendor technical management, and lab
certification of equipment used in MCI's Global IP and Data
Networks. He also supports MCI's own advanced network requirements,
overseeing technical and architectural evolution of MCI's
multiservice and data convergence platforms. Before joining MCI in
1994, he held management and engineering posts at British Telecom
North America and Tymnet. Garciaméndez-Budar has master's degrees
in operations research and industrial engineering from Stanford
University and a bachelor's in engineering from Mexico's Ibero
American University.
Richard A. Gonzalez
President and Chief Operating Officer, Medical Products Group
Abbott Laboratories, Inc.
Gonzalez, a former research biochemist at the University of Miami
School of Medicine with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry from the
University of Houston and an M.Sc. from the University of Miami,
joined Abbott in 1977. He held several positions in the diagnostics
division before being named divisional vice president in 1992. He
was elected president of Abbott HealthSystems Division in 1995 and
senior vice president for hospital products three years later. He
rose to his present post in December 2001 and also was elected to
Abbott's board of directors.
Si Gutierrez
Vice President of Central Planning and Production Control
National Semiconductor Corporation
Gutierrez, a former director of Worldwide Planning at LSI Logic
Corporation, earned his bachelor of management degree from San Jose
State University. At National Semiconductor, he is responsible for
strategic direction of supply chain planning, revenue planning,
evaluating production and inventory levels, and implementing systems
to ensure optimum customer service and productivity from the
company's manufacturing facilities.
John Ladaga
Vice President and General Manager of Americas Delivery
Responsible for management of $7 billion in revenues, a third of
EDS' annual total, Ladaga manages more than 30,000 employees in the
provision of services. His portfolio includes clients in Canada,
Central America, Mexico, South America, and the U.S. in several
industries: transportation, telecommunications, energy, financial,
consumer and retail services, and manufacturing. A pioneer in
development of decision support systems, Ladaga and his team
discovered innovative ways to marry legacy applications to
Web-enabled technology, transforming legacy data into new
decision-making tools. He has been recognized with the top-rank EDS
Leadership Award because of his team's customer satisfaction and
contributions to the firm.
Carlos Lobo
President and Chief Executive Officer
New Venture Gear, Inc.
Lobo is the highest-ranking Hispanic at DaimlerChrysler Corporation.
As CEO of the company's $2-billion New Venture Gear subsidiary over
the last four years, Lobo has primary responsibility for profitable
operations. Joining Chrysler de Mexico more than 30 years ago, Lobo
worked his way all the way up from master usage supervisor. He holds
diplomas from the Institutio Panamericano de Alta Direccion de
Empresas of the Harvard School of Business, and Cambridge
University, as well as a degree in mechanical engineering from the
National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico.
Filemon Lopez
Senior Vice President, South Florida Region
Comcast Corporation
Lopez runs Comcast's business in Miami-Dade, the Florida Keys,
Broward County, and the Treasure Coast, a region recently acquired
by the company where it serves 700,000 customers and employs nearly
2,000 people. Lopez had been president of Comcast University, the
company's center for performance improvement, learning and
development, and employee communications. Lopez joined Comcast in
1990 as director of advertising sales for the Southeast Region and
rose to corporate ad sales VP a year later, rising again in 1996 to
senior VP. Before joining Comcast, Lopez worked for Cox Cable and
Storer Cable Communications. He has worked in the industry since
1983 and has served on several industry boards.
Louis J. Martinez, P.E.
Vice President of Facilities Modification and Repair Operations for
Government Operations-Americas
Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc.
A 26-year Army veteran and former deputy commander of the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers' Mobile District, Martinez has wide experience as
leader of multinational professional and craft work forces in the
U.S., Middle East, Europe, and Latin America. He has been project
manager for $2.5 billion worth of design and construction projects
in Saudi Arabia, for foreign military sales in Latin America, and
for $200 million worth of projects in Southeast Asia. At KBR, a
division of Halliburton, he oversees $750 million worth of similar
projects world-wide.
Placido J. Martinez
Vice President, Operations-Louisiana
Entergy Corporation
Martinez joined Entergy in 1981 and most recently was responsible
for the performance of its utility operations' Six Sigma projects
and the management of strategic initiatives functions, including
benchmarking. Earlier, he was distribution operations director for
Entergy Arkansas. He has a wide range of experience in fossil,
substation, transmission, and distribution operations. The Cuba-born
Martinez earned his B.Sc. in electrical engineering from the
University of New Orleans in 1981 and his M.B.A. from the university
in 1988.
Jose A. Mejia
President, Supply Chain Networks
Lucent Technologies, Inc.
Since joining Lucent in 1999, Mejia has led implementation of a
supply chain vision and strategy that covers the end-to-end
provisioning of Lucent solutions to its global customer base. Mejia
had been vice president of external manufacturing at Nortel Networks
and earlier was vice president of component engineering for Bay
Networks. He also worked seven years for Ford Motor Company and
played a key role in reengineering the automaker's world-wide
manufacturing, supply chain management, and order-to-delivery
processes. The University of Michigan B.Sc. in industrial and
operation engineering has an M.B.A. in finance from Duke University.
Alfonso Montiel
President, Procurement Outsourcing Service Line
Montiel, a Columbia University M.B.A. and a lawyer trained at the
Universidad del Zulla in Venezuela, leads EDS' procurement line of
business. He determines the strategy and key initiatives used by the
global EDS procurement team in implementing procurement service
offerings and representing EDS' Procurement Transformation and
Outsourcing Service portfolio. Montiel has worked as a consultant
and manager for companies such as I.C.G. Commerce, Inc., A.T.
Kearney, Inc., American Express Company, and Interocean, leading
development of new services, launch of new corporate initiatives,
and direction of market strategies. His industry experience includes
automotive, health care, pharmaceuticals, transportation, and
consumer packaged goods.
Rey Moré
Senior Vice President and General Manager, iDEN Subscriber Group
Motorola, Inc.
Moré's group is responsible for advanced development, system and
product development and maintenance, technical documentation, and
training for commercial, government, and industrial customers. He
manages the activities of the design centers in Schaumberg, Ill.,
Plantation, Fla., and Scottsdale, Ariz., and in England, Germany,
Denmark, Israel, Canada, and Malaysia. Earlier, Moré had senior
management positions in systems development, subscriber development,
business management, and operations. He started his career at
Motorola's Plantation, Fla., center in 1974.
Hector Motroni
Senior Vice President, Chief Staff Officer and Chief Ethics Officer
Xerox Corporation
Motroni is responsible for leading Xerox' initiatives to provide
ethics training to every employee and to refresh and update internal
and external business ethics sites. Motroni, who earned B.Sc. and
master's degrees in engineering from Dartmouth College in 1966-'68,
joined Xerox in 1971, moving to the Latin American Group two years
later. In 1991, he became group vice president for quality, customer
satisfaction, and organizational effectiveness and later was
corporation vice president for human resources and quality.
Nellie Nieto
Vice President, Controller Finance
Panasonic Systems Sales Company
Panasonic's highest-ranking female, Nieto has been featured in
publications in Japan and here. In addition to financial and
accounting responsibilities, she has provided vision,
recommendations, direction, and accomplishment to many corporate
strategic projects, including implementing a state-of-the-art cash
management process for Matsushita in North America; recommending,
planning, and leading implementation of a customer call center to
boost customer satisfaction, reduce returns, and increase revenue;
and centralizing and standardizing processes of accounting, credit,
operations, and other functions into a shared services environment,
cutting operating costs and boosting efficiency.
Mario Nuevo, P.E.
Vice President
Parsons Corporation
Cuba-born Nuevo, who emigrated to Miami at age seven, completed 50
college credits by the time he finished high school, and took his
B.Sc. in civil engineering from the University of Miami in 1984. A
registered professional engineer in Florida, he began working as a
survey staffer while in college and joined a Miami engineering firm
upon graduation. He rose to vice president, working on projects such
as environmental remediation of the Everglades, the Hurricane Andrew
recovery plan, and the Miami Intermodal transportation center, the
country's largest. At Parsons, he started as area manager and
reached vice president in a year.
Rosendo G. Parra
Senior Vice President, Americas
Dell Inc.
Parra is responsible, with one other executive, for serving
corporate, government, education, health care, and small- and
medium-sized business customers in the U.S., Canada, and Latin
America. He also is responsible for Dell's service business and for
manufacturing operations in Austin, Texas, and Nashville, Tenn.
Earlier, he had been senior VP of Dell's Worldwide Home and Small
Business Group. He also has led groups serving federal, state, and
local governments, K-12 education, and higher education markets in
the U.S.
Jose E. Pincetic
Area Vice President, Caribbean and Latin America Financial Solutions
NCR Payment Solutions
Pincetic, who received his B.Sc. in civil engineering from the
University of Chile and his M.B.A. from the University of Dayton,
began with NCR in 1969 and made a steady climb up the ladder, moving
from sales roles to manufacturing and engineering director for Latin
America to direct marketing director, financial systems director for
Latin America South Area, general manager for Brazil then for Latin
America North Area, then area VP for the Caribbean.
Pedro Pizarro, Ph.D.
Vice President, Power Procurement
Southern California Edison
Dr. Pizarro's responsibilities include overseeing the procurement
functions of the Energy Supply and Management and QF Resources
departments. In addition, he is general manager of Edison Carrier
Solutions, a division providing wholesale broadband services to
telecommunications carriers. He joined Southern California Edison in
1999 and was elected vice president in 2000. He had worked for
McKinsey & Company earlier, providing management consulting
services to energy, technology, engineering services, and banking
Hugo B. Poza, Ph.D.
Corporate Vice President
Raytheon Company
The highest-ranking Hispanic in Raytheon, Dr. Poza runs the
company's Homeland Security business, providing systems and services
to assess, combat, and respond to terrorist threats. He received his
bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the University of
Dayton in 1966, took his M.Sc. from Purdue University the next year,
and completed his Ph.D. at Purdue in 1971. Before his current post,
he was vice president and general manager of strategic systems in
Raytheon's Command, Control, Communications and Information Systems
Stevan G. Ramirez
Chief Quality Officer and Vice President
Eastman Kodak Company
Ramirez came to Kodak four years ago as vice president for Worldwide
Quality and Supply Chain, Consumer Imaging and moved up to his
present post in 2001. Before joining Kodak, he made a 28-year climb
up the ladder at Xerox Corporation, ending as customer service VP.
Ramirez has a bachelor's in business management from the University
of Redlands (Calif.) and an M.B.A. from the Simon School of the
University of Rochester. He serves on the board of the Wilson
Commencement Center, a foundation that provides assistance to
low-income families. Ramirez is management sponsor of the Kodak
Hispanic Organization for Leadership and Advancement (HOLA).
Hector Ruiz, Ph.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Dr. Ruiz leads Intel's biggest competitor in computer CPU chips. The
Piedras Negras, Mexico-born Ruiz holds bachelor's and master's
degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at
Austin and a doctorate in electronics from Rice University. Before
joining AMD in January 2000, Dr. Ruiz worked 22 years for Motorola,
Inc., rising to head its Semiconductor Products Sector. He also had
held several R&D positions at Texas Instruments Incorporated.
Dr. Ruiz, a director of Eastman Kodak Company as well, serves on the
President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
and the Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations,
providing the U.S. trade representative with policy advice. He also
sits on the Texas Governor's Task Force for Economic Growth.
Adalio T. Sanchez
General Manager, eServer pSeries
IBM Corporation
Sanchez, a B.Sc. in electrical engineering from the University of
Miami and an M.B.A. from Florida International University, sits on
the Advisory Council of the Florida International's School of
Engineering. He is responsible for all facets of IBM's UNIX server
business, including product development, marketing, sales,
operations, and overall financial performance. He has worked as
general manager of the Storage Networking Division, headed
manufacturing operations for the Personal Computer Division, and run
the Mobil Computing unit.
Philip de St. Aubin
Vice President and Deputy, International Relations
The Boeing Company
Chief among de St. Aubin's responsibilities is the coordination and
integration of company-wide processes, organizational management,
business planning, program management, and human resources. He had
been business director and deputy vice president for Europe for
Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Born in Santiago, Chile, de St. Aubin
studied engineering at Villanova University in Pennsylvania and has
a master's degree in finance from Puget Sound University. He also
has worked as director of Boeing International Corporation in Spain.
Ralph G. Tourino
Vice President, Space Support Programs
Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems & Solutions
Tourino, a former Air Force major general, ran the
multibillion-dollar B-2 program before joining Lockheed Martin
Corporation. With an M.B.A. from the University of Southern
California and a master of public administration from Auburn
University, Tourino also completed postgraduate studies in national
security at Harvard. At Lockheed Martin, he blends his unique
experiences to manage space systems and provide complex command and
control systems modernization.
Dr. Raul Valdes-Perez
President and Chairman
Vivísimo, Inc.
Dr. Valdes-Perez, a B.Sc. and master's degree engineer from the
University of Illinois at Chicago, worked in industry before joining
the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, where he saw up close
the rapid development of the Internet. He completed a Ph.D. in
computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, adding a minor in
philosophy of science at Pitt. At Vivísimo, Dr. Valdes-Perez
perfected his Meta-Search software engine, now lauded for its
ability to instantly organize search results into a
computer-generated "index" in multiple languages. Dr.
Valdes-Perez has served as an adjunct research faculty member at
Carnegie Mellon for more than a decade and has published nearly 50
research articles in natural-, social-, and computer-science
Ralph de la Vega
Chief Operating Officer
Cingular Wireless
The Cuba-born de la Vega, a bachelor's degree mechanical engineer
from Florida Atlantic University and an M.B.A. from Northern
Illinois University, began work at BellSouth in 1974. He rose
through network planning, consumer services, engineering, and
operations, also doing a stint at Telcordia (Bellcore), and was
responsible for all network operations in Florida, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Louisiana, rising to president of Broadband and
Internet Services. Before joining Cingular, de la Vega was president
of BellSouth Latin America, with overall responsibility for
operations in 10 countries. At Cingular, he leads technology
planning, network operations, marketing, sales operational support,
and customer care.
Oscar Velasco
Vice President, Southwest Zone
Siemens Medical Systems USA, Inc.
Joining Siemens as a technician in 1979, Velasco worked on the
complete system assembly, including testing, troubleshooting, and
repair of a wide variety of electronic equipment. Promoted to lead
technician, responsible for workflow scheduling and for developing
processes and procedures for maintaining good manufacturing
practices compliance, he continued to move up, until he was cited as
Nuclear Service Manager of the Year for 1995 and Regional Service
Manager of the Year for 1998 and '99, based on national financial
and customer satisfaction results. He now manages service operations
through three regional offices covering several states. He directs a
staff of six managers, three sales executives, an administrative
assistant, and more than 130 customer service engineers.
David Wellisch
Vice President and General Manager, AOL Latino
America Online, Inc.
Wellisch is an Ecuadorian American who saw what the hot Hispanic
marketplace needed: targeted, Spanish-language online services. At
America Online, he spearheaded development of Hispanic-specific
product, content, and services, and he runs the business, now known
as AOL Latino. Wellisch studied economics and political science at
Brown University and has an M.B.A. from Harvard. Starting out as AOL
Web Properties Group's strategic development chief, Wellisch not
only pushed for Hispanic content, he developed the business plan for
AOL Latino.
Angiolina "Angie" Wiskocil
Senior Vice President - Network Services
SBC Communications Inc.
Originally from Ecuador, Wiskocil began with Pacific Bell as an
accounting clerk in 1973 and worked her way up through assignments
in operator services, engineering, network, and marketing, becoming
Pac Bell's consumer marketing VP in 1999. At SBC, she now is
responsible for network operations strategy and staff support,
capital program management, and network regulatory support, and has
headed the SBC/Yahoo strategic alliance, been vice president for
Network Engineering West, and served on California's United Task
Force to bridge the "Digital Divide." She also has
represented SBC Communications in the national women's group
Leadership America. Wiskocil earned her bachelor's degree from the
University of California.
Irving Wladawsky-Berger, Ph.D.
Vice President, Strategy and Technology
IBM Corporation
Dr. Wladawsky-Berger has responsibility for key IBM initiatives
critical to the future of the IT industry. He leads IBM's
company-wide e-business on demand initiative, designed to help
customers fuse their business processes with advanced IT
capabilities to achieve new dimensions in productivity and
innovation. Dr. Wladawsky-Berger leads IBM's participation in the
movement toward open standards and open source software such as
Linux and guides the company's Next Generation Internet efforts.
Holder of the M.Sc. and Ph.D. in physics from the University of
Chicago, Dr. Wladawsky-Berger joined IBM in research at the Thomas
J. Watson Center.
Gloria Ysasi-Diaz
Senior Vice President, Process Management
RR Donnelley
Ysasi-Diaz, holder of the B.Sc. in chemical engineering from the
University of Rochester and the M.B.A. from the College of William
and Mary, began her career with General Electric Company in 1978.
Joining RR Donnelley in 1984, she held a variety of business
management positions and until recently led the Continuous
Improvement efforts for the book publishing industry at company's
corporate offices in Chicago. She has managed facilities in Indiana,
Florida, and Pennsylvania and now is responsible for developing and
implementing improvement strategies across the 25 manufacturing
facilities that form RR Donnelley's Print Solutions business.
Top Hispanics in
Government and Education
Surveying the field of "Most
Important Hispanics in Technology and Business," HE&IT's
editors found many players who, while not fitting under the
"corporate" label, bring to the table a strength of
commitment and performance that affects the lives and economic
opportunities of people everywhere. Those profiled here are
first-rank players in government, academia, or the national research
laboratories, where many pioneering scientific discoveries and new
technologies first appear. Look closely, for these are people who
are not to be ignored.
Roland S. Arriola
Vice President for External Affairs
The University of Texas - Pan American
Baylor University grad Arriola has a Harvard master's in public
administration. When U.S. Jaycees named him one of 1983's Ten
Outstanding Young Men of America, City Council member Arriola had
already been the first Hispanic mayor of Waco, Texas. Later, he led
economic development for the Texas Commerce Department. With Texas
Pan American since 1999, Arriola oversees development, university
relations, career placement, and 25 outreach programs. With his
leadership, HESTEC, a motivational program cofounded with U.S. Rep.
Reuben Hinojosa (D-Texas) (See story, Page 63), annually brings
thousands of K-12 students and parents to meet role models and learn
about careers in science and technology.
Hector Barreto
U.S. Small Business Administration
Rockhurst University business graduate Barreto began his career as
South Texas Area manager for Miller Brewing Company, then moved to
California to found an employee benefits firm. He later launched a
second business as a securities broker specializing in retirement
plans. He chaired the board of the Latin Business Association of Los
Angeles and also founded a small business institute to offer
technical assistance, education, and development opportunities and
has been recognized by Congress for his contributions to America's
small-business community. Now he oversees delivery of financial and
business development tools, including the SBA's technology training
programs, to entrepreneurs everywhere (See the Hispanic Engineer
Online interview at http://www.hispanicengineer.com/artman/publish/article_14.shtml).
Wilbert Berrios
Chief Information Officer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
With 26 years in government service, Berrios was selected to the
Senior Executive Service in 1999 and appointed to his present post,
where he serves as principal advisor to the Corps' commanding
general on information technology issues. Berrios, a B.Sc. in
education and an M.Sc. in management science, served as an Army
officer in various aviation and operations research postings before
joining the civil service in 1987. He has been chief of the
Architecture Division, Information Management Office at
Headquarters, Department of the Army, and held supervisory positions
within the Defense Information Systems Agency, as well as director
of information management for the U.S. Army Materiel Command.
Alphonso V. Diaz
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Diaz is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing NASA's
Earth science, space science, and technology programs assigned to
the Greenbelt, Md., center. Diaz began his NASA career at Langley
Research Center in 1964, working on the Viking Mars project, then
moved to headquarters. He has served on the International
Solar-Polar mission (now Ulysses), the Galileo Program, and in the
Solar System Exploration Program Division. Diaz earned his B.Sc. in
physics from Philadelphia's St. Joseph's University and a master's
degree in physics from Old Dominion University. He also has received
a master's degree in management from MIT's Sloan School of
Management as a NASA Fellow.
Nils J. Diaz, Ph.D.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Dr. Diaz, now in his second five-year term at the NRC, was appointed
commission chair by President Bush last year. He supervises
licensing and construction of nuclear plants and other nuclear
facilities and oversees their decommissioning. Earlier, he was
professor of nuclear engineering at the University of Florida,
director of the Innovative Nuclear Space Power Institute, and
president and principal engineer of Florida Nuclear Associates, Inc.
He spent 11 years running the Space Power Institute for the
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and earlier was associate
research dean at California State University - Long Beach. Dr. Diaz
got his B.Sc. in mechanical engineering at the University of
Villanova, Havana, Cuba, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in nuclear
engineering from the University of Florida.
Michael L. Dominguez
Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
U.S. Air Force
Dominguez leads a four-division department that sets policy for Air
Force manpower and reserve affairs issues. Dominguez grew up on Air
Force bases as his family moved around the world, and he went to
West Point, graduating as a second lieutenant in 1975. He completed
various Army assignments in Europe, then left the service in 1980 to
go to Stanford Business School. With his M.B.A., he joined the
Office of the Secretary of Defense in 1983 and rose to the Senior
Executive Service. He has worked for the chief of Naval Operations
staff, and he worked briefly for a technology service organization
before joining the Center for Naval Analyses, rejoining the CNO
staff until his present presidential appointment.
Francisco A. Figueroa
Vice President, Business Management & Facilities Services and
Chief Financial Officer
Sandia National Laboratories
Figueroa, a certified public accountant licensed in California,
Colorado, New Mexico, and Tennessee; a certified financial planner;
and a member of the American Institute for CPAs, manages facilities
planning, construction, technical services, finance, procurement,
property and logistics, business systems, business services, and
pension and savings funds. He also has held the post of vice
president and CFO for Lockheed Martin Energy Systems in Oak Ridge,
Tenn. Figueroa, a B.Sc. in electrical engineering from Texas Tech
University, earned his M.Sc. in systems management from the
University of Southern California and an M.Sc. in astronautics at
the Air Force Institute of Technology.
Orlando Figueroa
Director of Solar System Exploration Division and Mars Exploration
Born in San Juan, P.R., Figueroa completed his mechanical
engineering B.Sc. at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez and
completed advanced studies in mechanical engineering at the
University of Maryland. A member of the federal Senior Executive
Service, Figueroa has been deputy chief engineer for systems
engineering and spent 22 years at Goddard Space Flight Center. He
has headed the cryogenic technology section, played a key role on
the Cosmic Background Explorer mission, and managed a Space Shuttle
Helium on Orbit mission.
Sid Gutierrez
Director, Systems Assessment and Research
Sandia National Laboratories
Gutierrez, a 1973 aeronautical engineering graduate of the Air Force
Academy, has a master's degree in personnel management from Webster
University and completed graduate studies at Director's College,
Stanford Law School, the UCLA Engineering and Management Program,
and a special seminar at MIT. A native New Mexican, Gutierrez was a
National Collegiate Champion parachutist before heading for pilot
training at Texas' Laughlin AFB. An Air Force Test Pilot School
graduate, he joined NASA in 1984. He was selected for astronaut
training the next year and flew missions on the Shuttle until 1994.
Col. Gutierrez retired in 1994 and joined Sandia, where he now
manages a $165-million-a-year business, developing systems solutions
for national security and nonproliferation.
Eduardo Macagno, Ph.D.
Dean, Division of Biological Sciences
University of California - San Diego
Founder of the division, Dr. Macagno spent 37 years at Columbia
University, where he rose from graduate physics student to professor
of biology and then associate vice president of arts and sciences
for research and graduate education and dean of the Graduate School.
At UCSD, his mission is to expand the scope and influence of its
renowned bioscience programs. Recently, he helped create an Academy
of Neuroscience for Architecture, in which architects and
neuroscientists explore how to use knowledge about the human brain
to improve living environments to boost learning and make hospitals
more conducive to mental health and offices that enhance
J. Leonard "Lenny" Martinez
Vice President of Manufacturing Systems, Science and Technology
Sandia National Laboratories
Martinez worked 19 years at Digital Equipment Corporation in several
posts, and also served as manufacturing director in Ciudad
Chihuahua, Mexico, and as general manager for Digital Equipment de
Mexico S.A. de C.V. Martinez joined Sandia Labs in 1995 as director
of production integration, a center created to integrate the lab
culture, manufacturing culture, and some private sector initiatives
in support of the manufacturing operation to produce neutron
generators. He rose to director of production operations, then to
vice president of the Defense Product and Services Division, now
Manufacturing Systems, Science and Technology. Martinez, a Stanford
University Sloan Fellow, also completed the Digital International
Management Education Program at INSEAD, Fontainbleu, France.
Mario J. Molina, Ph.D.
Institute Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Winner of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Dr. Molina has been
involved in developing our understanding of the stratospheric ozone
layer and its susceptibility to human-made perturbations throughout
his career. Born in Mexico City, he has a chemical engineering
degree from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, a
postgraduate degree from the University of Freiburg, Germany, and a
Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the University of California at
Berkeley. He joined MIT in 1989. In addition to codiscovering the
so-called Ozone Hole, he most recently has been pursuing work on
tropospheric pollution issues. Dr. Molina will join the University
of California, San Diego's Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
in July.
Michael Montelongo
Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller
U.S. Air Force
Montelongo, a 1977 B.Sc.-holder from the U.S. Military Academy at
West Point, served in the Army as a Ranger and Air Defense Artillery
officer before his selection as special assistant to the commander
in chief of the U.S. Southern Command; speechwriter and special
assistant to the Army chief of staff, and a Congressional Fellow. In
1996, he entered private industry with BellSouth Telecommunications
and later became a sales executive with Cap Gemini Ernst &
Young. As assistant Air Force secretary, he also is principal
advisor to the secretary, chief of staff, and other senior officials
on fiscal matters.
Richard A. Tapia, Ph.D.
Noah Harding Professor of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Rice University
Dr. Tapia, the first in his family to attend college, earned B.A.,
M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from UCLA. His efforts at Rice have won
national recognition for educational outreach, and the Rice
Computational and Applied Math Department has become a national
leader in producing women and underrepresented minority Ph.D.s in
mathematics. Dr. Tapia also is internationally known for his work in
factory optimization, and he has coauthored two books and more than
80 mathematical research papers. He also is Rice's associate
director of graduate studies and director of the Center for
Excellence and Equity in Education. Appointed by President Clinton
to the National Science Foundation's governing board, Dr. Tapia also
won the Hispanic Engineer of the Year Award at the 1996 Hispanic
Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference.